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Synthetic Economy

Synthetic Economy

Synthetic economy is the term to describe an economy cut from whole cloth. Designed fro mthe bottom up or top-down in every detail, and fully functioning before the first person uses it. It is entirely created, and in no-way natural. This perfectly describes the initial economy states found in most virtual worlds. There is no geographic, or political engine driving them, they are created as products from the get go.

After initial formation of course, they tend to deform organically to supply and demand, like any other economy system.

Below, we offer a selection of links from our resource databases which may match this term.

Related Dictionary Entries for Synthetic Economy:

Synthetic Economy

Virtual Economy


Resources in our database matching the Term Synthetic Economy:

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A Fourth Economy
In less than 20 years, the service economy is being replaced with a new model, the 'Experience Economy', a model in which, whilst there is still a place for services, they are not the main act of the economy. Instead, what is is the provision of experiences, memes, sensory indulgances, and a deeply personal and individual type of service.

Locally Hosted resource
Dark City: A Dystopian Synthetic World
Plotline Review of the film Dark City, a dystopian synthetic reality storyline which questions deeply the nature of self, and of reality.

Linked resource
Second Life: Virtual Economy Key Metrics, Feb 2007
A compilation of key metrics for Second Life population data, released by Linden Labs for anyone desiring to set up within this environment. Data is in Excel format.

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Cities XL
Gameindustry.biz take a look at Cities XL, Monte Cristo's ambitious product, attempting to combine a traditional city-simulation game with massively multiplayer online functionality, giving players the option to take part in a global, entirely player-dependent global economy.

Locally Hosted resource
Synthetic Brain to Aid Research
In what is certainly initially seems like a novel twist on logic, researchers from UC Irvine are utilising a robot outfitted with an artificial mind, to help them understand how the human brain works.

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Book Quotes: Net Coma
When a person becomes truly totally immersed in any VR environment, their physical body almost ceases to be a part of them. The more senses are subsumed by the synthetic reality, the less connection the brain feels to the original body.

Locally Hosted resource
Does Function Have to Follow Form in Prosthetics?
Why do prosthetic body parts have to limit themselves to copying the original organic components? When a large part of a person's body is synthetic, shouldn't they be free to express it, however they choose?

Locally Hosted resource
Podcast: Juan Enriquez: Beyond the crisis, mindboggling science and the arrival of Homo evolutis
Juan Enriquez' humorous talk from TED 2009, meandering through the state of the economy, developments in stem cells, tissue cloning and robotics - and how they are all connected. Very funny, very poignant. It will not say anything you do not already know, if you have kept up with transhumanist work, but serves as a nice, low barrier introduction.

Locally Hosted resource
Stretchable Tactile Sensors
Wouldn't it be marvellous if artificial pressure sensors could bend and flex like their organic counterparts? If synthetic skin could knead and twist like normal skin, but remain just as keen of sense? We are not there yet, but the first prototypes that can behave naturally under strain, are already here.

Locally Hosted resource
Large Image Display: Animatrix: The Second Renaissance: Economy of AI
As robot made goods continue to undercut other goods, eventually it reaches the stage where goods made without the use of robots, cannot compete. We saw foreshadowing of this in the 1980s with factory ?robots? that admittedly were nothing more than brainless waldoes operating from a central computer. However, we are starting to see it again as manufacturing robots increase in complexity.


Industry News containing the Term Synthetic Economy:

Results by page

A short story by author Vernor Vinge, covering the activities of a young boy, cought up in the middle of things in the world of 2020, and showcasing some of the synthetic, and augmented reality interfaces and technologies very likely to be ...

Marshall Brain, founder of How Stuff Works and author of e-book Robotic Nation, recently spoke at the Singularity Summit in San Jose, USA. There, he outlined his fears that as robotics get more able, they will start to threaten lower end jo...

A team of UC Irvine scientists has been awarded a $4 million grant from the U.S. Army Research Office to study the neuroscientific and signal-processing foundations of "synthetic telepathy."

This Brain-Machine Interface dr...

In the Second Life economy, more than $600,000(usd) changes hands every day. Now the virtual world is about to play host to a BBC show about that economy and how people have made substantial money from it.

The possibility of ...

Using genes as interchangeable parts, synthetic biologists design cellular circuits that can perform new functions, such as sensing environmental conditions. However, the complexity that can be achieved in such circuits has been limited by ...